الثلاثاء، 13 مايو 2014

boost your Windows skills

Here's a handful of clever tricks to boost your Windows skills (and show off to friends)

1-Open a Command Prompt from Any Folder

This is one of those tips that most real geeks already know, but chances are there's somebody reading this  that doesn't know about it—if you hold down the Shift key while right-clicking on any folder, including the desktop background, you'll see a new item for"Open command window here", that will open a command   prompt with that folder as the default path.                                                                                              

                                               This tip only works in Windows 8,7 or Vista

2-Hide Secret Data Inside Any FileP

There's any number of great ways to hide data from prying eyes—TrueCrypt, anyone? But if you want to simply hide some text data inside a secret "compartment", you can abuse the Alternate Data Streams feature in the underlying NTFS file system. All you have to do is open up a command prompt, and then use command similar to this:P

                                  notepad SomeFile.txt:SecretWordHere.txtP

The special filename with the colon and second filename tells NTFS to actually store the data in an alternate stream, instead of the regular file. You can put whatever you want into the file, and nobody will be able to access it unless they know the command to retrieve it.

3-Use the Secret Trick to Close Windows ExplorerP

Have you ever wondered how to restart the Start Menu? The more tech-savvy among you probably know that you can just pop open Task Manager and kill the explorer.exe process, but there's actually another way to do it built right into Windows 7 and Vista—it's just a bit of a secret.P
Hold down the Ctrl and Shift keys, then open up the start menu, and right-click anywhere on the blank space. You'll see a new menu with an Exit Explorer item on it, which will immediately terminate the desktop shell—keep in mind to reopen it you'll need to use Ctrl+Shift+Esc to (open Task  Manager),
and then File –> Run and type in explorer.exe.

4-Watch Movies in Your Linux Terminal WindowP

This one isn't a Windows tip at all, but you can't have an article about geeky tricks without mentioning how you can watch movies in ASCII text in a Linux terminal window. Make sure you've got MPlayer installed, and then use something similar to the following command to open up a movie right there in the terminal:P

                                    mplayer -vo caca MovieName.aviP

It's not really suitable for watching movies, but it's a fun tip that you can show off to your friends and spark a conversation about the upcoming return of Futurama.

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